Sunday, March 22, 2020

taking my cue from a teenager

"To put things
in perspective
for those of us feeling
a bit stir crazy already -
Anne Frank
and 7 other people
hid in a 450 sq.ft. attic
for 761 days,
quietly trying
to remain undiscovered
to stay alive.
We can all
do our part
to keep everyone safe
and spend a few weeks
at home.

Yesterday afternoon, I posted the above photo as my cover page on fb, adding the following.
"My family has a bit of personal history with Anne Frank.
She wrote in her diary about the American plane that crashed
into a - thankfully - empty school nearby.
My stepdad, Frank Barry, was part of the crew on that plane.
(They all survived.)"

I hope all of those I love will survive this coronavirus pandemic.
Amazing that such a pretty thing has such ugly poison inside.
How diabolical that it hitches a ride into our cells aboard the
angiotensin-converting enzyme,
a molecules used to control our blood pressure?
No wonder those over 50 years old are especially at risk.
Social distancing, folks, social distancing,
in this time of self-isolation.


Hallie of LA said...

22 March 2020

Hallie Henry Allgood: I never knew that!

Aunt Barbara said...

22 March 2020

Barbara Narcarti:

Hope you stay well, know you wish the same for me.
Love you, Aunt Barbara.

blue-sky Penny said...

23 March 2020

Penny Walker Bos: I didn't know that either! Thx for sharing!

Aunt Linda said...

23 March 2020

Linda L. Walker: Thanks for sharing. I am glad to know this.

nephew Damon said...

25 March 2020

Damon Smith: Dang, I never knew that part of the story, Aunt Tina, that is awesome!