Tuesday, January 7, 2020

well, i did it

But I haven't told Kevin yet.
I hadn't even intimated to him that
I was considering it, even though we had our Tina Tuesday this evening.
I drove directly to Planet Fitness afterward, instead of to home.
Then, after becoming a member,
I signed up for orientation and two classes for tomorrow.
I want to make sure I learn how to use this gym equipment safely.
Smart thinking, right?

I know if I get hurt I won't be back and I would prefer to get toned up, especially those muscles in the upper part of my legs.
That's why the first class is for lower body workouts.
The second class is for proper stretching, as I feel I'll need that, too, once my muscles
get called into play.
Baby steps, baby.
Maybe I'll tell the running bear by the end of this month.
He's been strength training for long enough that he's had to buy new clothes...
clothes that are in a larger size...
to accommodate those newly acquired biceps and pectorals and triceps.
Oh, yeah!
But I'm just beginning this journey and I know he will be supportive, but...
I am just not ready to tell him.
Belonging to a gym is very new for me and I need to make sure of my commitment to it
and to the process of change that it represents.
Off to bed I go...
I have classes at the gym in the afternoon!
(Yes, it sounds odd to me, too, but everyone starts at the beginning.
Hence the name.)
I would say "wish me luck"...
but how about "one step at a time" instead?
That's certainly more apt!
(Get the joke? One step at a time at a gym?)

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