Saturday, January 25, 2020

there's moving, and then there's moving

Well, it's official.
Alyssa, Leila, and Michael are gone...
for the most part.
A nonworking car full of stuff is still in my driveway, and the trampoline is still residing over the back yard (after only being used, for brief play, three times).
Their two rooms were cleared out - completely - in just about two hours around lunch time.
They're going to live with his mom, Melinda, starting today, which is her 58th birthday.
That's her on the left, next to her mom, Venita.
Poppop Matt is holding Alyssa, while Leila stands next to her dad.
I'm glad we had such a glorious day of blue sky and mild temperature for yet another change in their lives...
and in my life, too.
The quiet will be strange for me.
Michael offered to vacuum the two rooms, for me, but I told him I needed to do that.
The task will wait.
For now, it is important for me to rehang all of my "displaced" art.
When I had the movie and dinner outing with the bfe and the 'Cole on New Year's Day, that had been the most irksome problem for me: all of my artwork that had been moved from the walls to the floor.
Yeah, definitely a first world issue.
I had thought I might have to forego this 12th year of the Telluride Mountainfilm On Tour Savannah, because of the move-out, but I was able to catch my favorite part:
the Family Matinee!
All the films about skiing and biking and nature are so inspiring and fun!
Of the nine films, my favorites were "Undiscovered", of a yeti looking for the perfect photo; "Think Like A Scientist", with the return of salmon to a river; "One Small Step", about pursuing a dream; and "Danny Daycare", especially the spoofs.
I am so blessed to have been able to have that bit of normalcy in my day!
Now to return some more pieces to their places on the walls.
I have just a bit of time before the desserts and films at the JEA tonight.
More normalcy for this time of year!
i thank You, God.

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