Sunday, January 5, 2020

a new place

I am only now venturing back to my place on this virtual ocean.
It isn't because i have not longed to write... i have.
It isn't even because nothing of interest has yet happened... it has.
It is only because i felt the need for a change of identity.
Looking back through my entries has allowed me to see that often i write of events which have recently passed or that are rather far in the rearview mirror.
That's because hindsight is perfect, i.e., 20-20.
There is no second-guessing of how things may turn out... the event is in the past.
All that is left is to record it for future review...
or to jog reluctant neurons toward the correct filing cabinet in the brain.
My vision is not perfect, i.e., 20-20.
That is partly due to my aging optic muscles being unable to contract and expand as well as they once did.
My lack of perfect vision is also marred by the blind spot in my right eye which i have had since my teens.
Mostly, though, my vision is imperfect because i am human.
I bring my personal biases into play on every topic, in every situation, with every thought.
Writing helps me to bring life into focus more clearly.
I look forward to exploring and relishing what this year brings and has already brought.
Any and all suggestions are welcome.

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