Sunday, January 19, 2020

online gaming addiction

Well, it's official.
I am, well and truly, addicted to online computer games.
Last year, as one of my resolutions, I gave up websudoku.
I was quite proud of myself, too, for keeping that particular promise to myself.
So, now I have a new year.
New year, new resolutions, n'est-ce pas?
I decided to allow myself to begin frequenting the website again.
Just a couple of games won't hurt anything... right?
The only thing is, with an addiction, "just a little" is a lie.
In no time at all, I was right back to killing a couple of hours a day, sometimes twice
in the same day, playing one game after another.
In fact, for the past two nights, I've been up until almost 4 AM, playing the game
for up to three hours in one sitting.
I know for a fact that sitting that still for that long is not healthy...
but I can't seem to get up and walk away.
I only stopped playing because I had sat so long that my hands were cold.
So, I'm removing the link from my bookmarks, again.
This time, it stays gone.
Life is too short.


faustina said...

I feel an update is needed.
Even without the bookmark, I find myself back at that website, killing a bit of time...
in the morning after breakfast...
in the afternoon, waiting on lunch...
in the late night, before bed.
In fact, I just finished playing five games in a row, waiting for time to go to WW.
No more gaming.
It's stealing time from writing...
which I love doing.

faustina said...

Hallelujah for Lent!
That's the impetus I need to drop websudoku from my repertorie, at least for the next forty days.
Here's the link NOT to visit during this time... or perhaps ever again.