Monday, January 27, 2020

a royal day trip!

I have been in dire need of "waking up somewhere different" for months.
Today, I only traveled as far as Pooler, but I feel as refreshed as if it had been an overnight trip!
And, while dining on shrimp ceviche, I was even making connections to my outings of the past week!
So, there I was at Jalapenos, dining on my favorite comfort foods while listening to Mexican music,
idly watching snow skiing on a nearby tv -
which brought to mind the Mountainfilm festival last week -
and noticing the cadence in the songs -
like that heard in the Jewish film festival, also last week -
and realizing that I would soon be at an Indian film.
Talk about worlds colliding!
Then, I found an overlap of the storylines in the Indian film and the finale of the SJFF, with the conflict between Indian and Pakistani youth, with a bit of anti-British thrown in.
Right place, right time?

In fact, after seeing "Street Dancer 3" at the matinee, I felt the need to see it again.
Again, I say!
Like, immediately!
So, I walked around the block, in the cold, trying to decide if I should stay or I should return to Savannah.
And when I was back inside, buying my ticket for the evening show, what did I find?
Yep, that's right, a shiny penny in front of the register!
Right place, right time?

The second time, I concentrated on the dance moves, rather than the translations of the song lyrics.
That was so very enjoyable!
There was even quite a bit of magic in one number!
Prabhu Deva is such an incredible dancer and choreographer...
even more so for being 46 years old, like my bfe!!!
Yes, so very enjoyable!
Sweet dreams for sure tonight!

Plus, as a definite bonus, there were messages for me in the film.
Yes, specifically for me!
Here's one of them.
The grandmother said, "There is no need to chant the name of God. The moment when you help someone else is also as good as showing devotion."
That echoed Brad Pitt's words in an earlier post here.
Later, there is the message from Inayat, echoed by Sahej.
"Dance for others, not for yourself. Dance to express, not to impress."
I do try to do that very thing and I hope I am succeeding. The many kind comments I have received about my dancing indicate that my movements are pleasing to others, and that is a double-sided blessing.
Then, during one of the competition songs, I heard this.
"I surrender myself to You when i dance."
Amen to that sentiment, as noted at a recent movie with the bfe.

Off to sweet dreams...
and hope you, also, have a peaceful night.
i thank You, God, for this day!

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