Sunday, January 5, 2020

busy vibrant woman - that's me!

I thought I better catch up on a few highlights that are already in the rear view mirror!
New Year's Day found me dining on fresh cornbread, hoppin' john, collard greens, and ham, with a glass of bubbly!
Sadly, the wine was no good, but all else was quite yummy!
I met up with J-Dawg and The 'Cole for "Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker" with post-film chatting at The Diner after - magnificent!
That certainly started off this new year in the right direction!
The very next day I had a double date at the Royal of Pooler!
The first was with my first niece to see the musical "Cats" - I had insisted she see it with me after my first viewing!
Christina loved it, too!
The second was with Cooter and Boo - er, Carolyn and Barbara - for some "Good Newwz", Bollywood-style, followed by Samosa Chat.
Regular chatting, too!
Hahahaha! Hahaha!
The third day of this brand-new year was bustling!
I had a post-holiday luncheon at Carey Hilliard's with Christina and Chris, my outlaw Melinda and her mom Venita, and Christina's little sister Chelsea - almost a girls-only fete!
Why weren't Michael and the twins there?
Well, they were still out in Guyton and had been since Christmas Day.
Too much fun to sit inside for Leila and Alyssa!

For me, too!
I'd found out that "Kinky Boots" was being screened at Asbury Memorial, so that's where I went, not even bothering to sit down - no need since I danced to every song!
After, the night was young, so I sneaked into Eric's 'ghost tour' and caught it as it began - so glad I took him up on that offer!
So glad Ben & Jerry's was open for dessert, too, so I could have my favorite flavor!

Michael and the girls were home again and I tried to entice them out to the Phoenix Festival, but not even the promise of a bouncy castle could budge them.
That means they also missed Matt Toole's demonstration of creating aluminum ingots from empty cans - that was pretty nifty to a pyromaniac like me!
The girls could have had a shiny souvenir from him!
They could have had another souvenir from this display.
These machines grind up polyethylene (also known as recyclable plastics  1 and 2) into fine particles.
They are then mixed together and fed into an extruder that transforms them into a spooled product that can be used as fodder for 3-D printers.
How cool is that?
Recycling plastics into 'ink' to make new products!
The RCEC had plenty of live entertainment, and a rather nice variety, too, with a folksy duo playing familiar songs, a guitarist a bit later, and even a couple of the crew from Odd Lot to bring a bit of humor to the mix!
And just held the attention of Eliot and Hannah?
A guy who had a rather lovely cornsnake wrapped around his shoulder and arm, doing its best to hold his body heat on this chilly afternoon!
Ah, good memories of my snake-handling days!
Now, time to get ready to join mi tres amigas to watch the awards!

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