Thursday, January 16, 2020

lessons i taught the twins

That photograph of Leila and Alyssa, being slime monsterz, is from almost a week ago.
It's hard for me to believe they will be gone in another week, but Michael said they were leaving to move in with his mom.
Tonight has been so very pleasant, though, maybe he will change his mind.
I came home from a One Hundred Miles event in time to help with the bedtime routine.
I even got to select the book for him to read to the girls!

I though it might be good to make a list of the helpful life advice I've shared with these five-year-old twins.
That will at least make me feel that I've made a difference for them.
So, here goes, in no particular order.

Brush your hair starting at the bottom of the strands.
-- For bad tangles, that will keep hair loss - and scalp pain - to a minimum.

Only use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush.
-- No need to slather it on all the bristles!

Wash your hands after using the bathroom.
-- Honestly, I was shocked they weren't doing that already.

Chew with your mouth closed.
-- Again, I would have thought they'd know better by now.

Take your shoes off at the front door.
-- Yeah, I admit this is one of mine from my time in Okinawa. Keeps the house cleaner.

Wash your hands before you eat.
-- No wonder they get sick so easily, right?

Wash your hands after playing with slime.
-- That stuff was soooo very nasty to touch!

No food in the bedroom.
-- That keeps bugs from crawling on you at night.

No more fake crying.
-- As I told them, I'm a girl and I know when the tears are real.

No television at bedtime.
-- Going to bed with a loud movie on? No wonder they can't sleep.

Quiet time is the hour before bedtime.
-- Yeah, that's a work in progress. Hence, the reading of a book with their Dad.

9:00 PM is time for sleep.
-- That's definitely a work in progress, but they should not be up at 11 PM. Period.

Do what your Daddy says.
-- He's their boss and what he tells them is the truth.

Here's hoping some of those lessons stay with Leila and Alyssa.
I'm so grateful to have had some time with them.
And to think it all began with a trip to Lake Mayer that unearthed two pennies.
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

The Universe
11/6/2020 3:28 AM

While a child attending kindergarten, Faustina, cannot fully comprehend all the priceless reasons they are there — to socialize, make friends, grow, and prepare for ever higher realms of awareness — by that age they can, nevertheless, sense and grasp that their wise and doting parents have kept their very best interests in mind, and that is enough. Because with this awareness, they can at least stop trying to figure everything out and simply enjoy their hand painting, alphabet lessons, and cat-naps. Knowing that even if they break a crayon or some lad pulls a chair out from under them, they're still exactly where they should be, everything is going to turn out just grand, and everyone back home is as proud as can be.

And oh my goodness, Faustina, we are so proud of you.

Do I "over-dote"?
The Universe