Wednesday, January 15, 2020

maybe no groundhog needed

My Japanese magnolia - or, tulip tree, as some say - is already burst forth with blooms.
It's only the middle of January.
Apparently, she doesn't allow herself to be concerned with calendars.
Perhaps there's a lesson to be learned there.

In years past, she has generally bloomed closer to February.
However, Savannah has been blessed with Fahrenheit temperatures solidly in the
70's the past several days - hallelujah!
i thank You, God!
Those warm days have allowed me to wear my preferred clothing of shorts and sandals,
sans jacket and scarf and socks.
What a blessing!
Is it any wonder that the tree with the beautiful pink blossoms is also joyfully
celebrating the welcomed warmth?
Surely spring is near at hand?
Fingers crossed!

I'll be sure to notify the Peace Guy about the change in weather forecasting from the use of groundhogs and their shadows.

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