Saturday, July 10, 2021

my new car love!

This photo from Paul's camera, taken during our visit to the super-cool museum in Danville, became my profile picture on fb on July 4th.

"Faustina Smith updated her profile picture.
4 July 2021
At the Blackhawk Museum in California, I found a "new" old car to love! Great photo by my friend Paul. Later, I'll have the photo taken by his wife, Cathy, when she and I toured the Jelly Belly factory!"

The post has garnered 57 likes and loves!

Marcia Ford
"Love it
You too
Happy 4th!"

Faustina Smith
"Marcia, right back atcha!"

Genie Brazzeal Lawson
"Bring it home!"

Faustina Smith
"Genie, I wish I could have!"

William Peterson
"You are a three hour drive away.
If, however, you hijack a beautiful Shelby Cobra from the museum it should take only two hours.
I'm counting on you."

Faustina Smith
"Man, I was so in love with Eleanor! I wish I could have had it Gone In 60 Seconds!"

Jason Arons
"Did you put in an offer?"

Faustina Smith
"Jason, sadly, it was not for sale. All I could do was drool quietly..."

Bill Cooper
"Does it come with an easy payment plan?....BC"

Christopher Jean Soucy
"I wanna hear more about the jelly bellies!"

Faustina Smith
"Chris, Cathy and I spent almost 2 hours touring the factory! It was incredible!!! Plus, they gave us a package of jellybeans to enjoy while we toured!"

Christopher Jean Soucy
"Faustina, perfection"

Lynn Lee
"What part of California were you in?"

Faustina Smith
"Lynn, Oakland/San Francisco. One of my best friends and his wife live there. This was my 3rd trip out there since 2008."

Lynn Lee
"I have been to Los Angeles and San Francisco, thought I might want to live there! Good place to visit but after 6 months in LA decided Georgia is my home!!"

Faustina Smith
"California is a crazily expensive place to live. They have a 2-bedrm house, about 900 sqft, and it cost more than $800,000 fifteen years ago. A house 2 doors down is going to sell for 1.1 million. Crazily expensive."

Faustina Smith
"In 1983, I lived in a 1-bedrm apt in an 8-apt complex in Imperial Beach, a community in San Diego. My rent was $300. I can't imagine what it would be now to live in that run-down part of town."

Lynn Lee
"I went there as a travel nurse and Chaka Khan literally lived on the next block. I only know that because I met her husband at the local CVS. I looked it up and they had a very small house that I walked past almost everyday. I looked it up and it was worth over 500 thousand dollars!! I would tell people who lived there about the land I had in Georgia they were ready to move!"

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