Friday, July 16, 2021

gift from the bfe

"Don't tell me, let me guess - he finally remembered your birthday!"

Nah, not really. He may have thought about the last time we met for lunch, but he didn't actually say the words. He did, though, buy my lunch at The Noodle Bowl, so that was very nice. Oh, and he told me The 'Cole was getting rid of her dvd collection of "Psych" and he had it set aside for me!

"Well, that's very cool! Was that last month?"

 No, it was May 18. We never did get lunch in June, due to my travels.

"Oh, that's too bad. I mean, that you and he didn't get together, not that you were so busy with your holidays in Florida and California. Where did y'all dine today?"

At the Olive Garden, yesterday. That was his treat, too, with both of us scarfing up soup and salad!
We spoke of stars and spectroscopy and some show on youTube called "42nd Street Forever", that just has trailers for grind house films. I need to remember to tell Jim Reed about that.

"Did you tell the physicist about that youTube show Paul and Cathy turned you onto?"

You mean "Absolute History"? But of course! And he had countered with "Drunk History", which uses celebs to re-enact famous events.

"That sounds like it could be humorous...

Yeah, I think so, so I'll try to keep it on my radar.

"Did he have the box of videos for you?"

Nah, and, honestly, I forgot to even ask about them. That's okay, I already "got" my 64-1 gift from him... and I got it myself!

"Oh, you mean that trip in early June to Bath & Body Works?"

Exactly! The coupons were in his name, so it's as if he got the smell pretty stuff for me, or gave me a gift certificate for them!

"Yeah, I hadn't thought of it that way. I really like the Japanese Cherry Blossom body lotion, both the way it feels and the delicious aroma!"

Yeah, so do I! That was completely free, too... and I just got his new coupons in the mail, too, so I'll be sure to bounce out there and get another free body lotion! I won't be getting anything else this time, though. The four foaming hand soaps were not only on sale, but I had a second coupon for an additional discount, courtesy of the bfe. I was nearly out, so that was good timing!

"And what are the four that you choose?"

Kitchen Lemon is the one in the bathroom now and I've been using that since I got it on June 2nd. The other three are Aloe Water, Boardwalk Vanilla Cone, and Sunshine & Lemons. My plan had been to switch them out every month or so, but that hasn't happened yet.

"And just why had you bought four of them, instead of just one?

They were on sale, four for $20. Plus, I had a 20% discount from the bfe. Between the two, the deal gave me two free for buying two. Rather nifty to know math!

"Rather nifty indeed! and who do we have here!?"

Alyssa and Leila and Michael! The girls were in town for VBS at Bible Baptist Church, so Michael hung out with me until they were done. Then we all had dinner at Chili's! That was on Monday.

"And what's that? In their hands?"

Those are the souvenirs I bought for them at Jelly Belly! Alyssa has BB8 and Leila has Chewbacca, my favorite Wookie! Michael really loved that I got them "Star Wars" character tins... as I knew he would! He and I share that love of that science fiction franchise!

"Very nice! And here's Christina Ann!"

So she is! This was from our penultimate Tina Tuesday of the summer. She returns to school on the 26th, sadly, but that's a good thing for her.

"I hear you. Are y'all at Rodeo again?"

You know it! I treated her to lunch, just as I had treated her brother and the twins the night before.

"Good for you! Feeling more financially sound?"

A little, but I also wanted to do her a favor, as she did for me that day. I'd arrived too late for lunch and a movie, so we went grocery shopping... and she had coupons for all of my fruit and veggie purchases! I ended up paying less than six bucks for almost $30 of food! 

"Wow! That's amazing!"

It was! So, my pantry is restocked with canned vegetables and I have cherries, carrots, and onions, too. I'll need to buy milk, of course, but my shopping for the week is done!

"Wonderful! "

Yes, yes it was! Now, I need to skedaddle! Smitty and I are meeting for the quarterly taxes, as well as sales taxes from last month and May. My goal is to get the laundry done before that, so I'm going to be cutting it close.

"Perhaps the clothes can wait until next week?"

Only if I plan to go commando... and that ain't hap'nin', captain!

"LOL! Your first niece would love that you used her saying!"

Sho' 'nuff! Later, tater!

"Later, gator!"

1 comment:

faustina said...

Hey, guess what I found at Sandfly Laundry?

A penny, on the counter where I was gathering my dry clothes!

It was from 2007.

Right place, right time!

i thank You, God!