Monday, July 26, 2021

more years of love for me, and for chemistry

Here are more pairings of feedbacks from future nurses, radiology technicians, and speech therapists that had me for CHE 121 and CHE 122!
I wonder if some of them have already retired now?
A curious thought, sure, but these classes were taught before the new millenium.
I'll let that sink in for a moment.
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CHE 121, Fall quarter, 1995, followed by CHE 122, Spring quarter, 1996:
Donna Brantley kept her remarks short and sweet!
For the Fall, she wrote: "A great teacher!! She made the course material understandable and interesting. I look forward to Chem 122 next quarter."
Then, in Spring, it was: "Another great quarter with this instructor!! I really enjoyed it."
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CHE 121, Fall quarter, 1996, followed by CHE 122, Spring quarter, 1997:
For the Fall, Nancy Jaworski wrote: "Prof. Smith is an extremely competent teacher. She makes herself available for questions and is easy to approach. I admire her ability to handle difficult students with a smile and or a firm but professional manner. I would be happy to take another course from Prof. Smith."
Then, in Spring, Nancy wrote: "Another above average course. Prof. Smith makes it possible to actually take something away from this class that I actually feel I can use. Thank you."

For the Fall, Janet Moore wrote: "Mrs. Smith is an excellent teacher! She made what is a very difficult subject for me much easier to understand. I am thrilled to know that she will be teaching 122 next quarter. I don't know what I would have done if she had decided not to teach next quarter. She is a life-saver! Thanks, Mrs. Smith!"
Then, in Spring, Janet wrote: "I feel very fortunate to have been in Professor Smith's chemistry class. She helped make a subject that is not easy for me to comprehend much easier than I thought it could be. I would have never made it through this course without her! She is truly an asset to the AASU teaching staff. Thanks for everything."

Sidebar: The name change from Armstrong State College to Armstrong Atlantic State University was not yet official, but was upcoming. The new name accompanied the transition from quarters to semesters in Fall of 1998.
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CHE 121, Fall quarter, 1997, followed by CHE 122, Spring quarter, 1998:
For the Fall, Vanessa Gregory wrote: "Mrs. Smith, Your chemistry class was very interesting and the subject matter definitely encouraged thinking as well as a tremendous amount of study time; but it paid off."
Then, in Spring, Vanessa wrote: "Professor Smith, I have really enjoyed your class for Chem 121 & Chem 122. I think you are a very good instructor. Although I didn't do as well as I should have this time, it was no reflection on your instruction. I'll miss coming to your class."
How very sweet of her to be concerned!
I always told my students that if they want to pass the course with a grade of "C", they should plan to spend twice as much time at home studying and reviewing the material than we spent in class.
As I recall, her job responsibilities changed and that impacted her study time.
Still, she always made it to my night class and I knew to look for her.
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CHEM 1151, Fall quarter, 1998, followed by CHEM 1152, Spring quarter, 1999:
For the Fall, Robert Repsher wrote: "Many of the students in the class have NO school etiquette - - - way too much chit-chatting during lecture, way too many 'guests' (i.e. children), way too many late students strolling in disturbing the lecture. This was a very annoying environment."
Then, in Spring, Robert had this to say: "1) This class needs a firm tardiness rule: people should not be allowed to walk in 20 and 30 minutes into class - - it is very distracting. 
2) The lab manual terms should be the same as the ones in the textbook - - not different.  Pre-lab questions should correspond with material in the textbook."

Not any love showing through in that one, was there?
So, why had this older, single, childless, white, male chosen the course taught by me, instead of taking the CHEM 1152 taught by another instructor, that second term?
He already knew that I would rather a student arrive late than not at all.
He already knew that I encouraged class discussion during lecture.
He already knew that I allowed students to bring school-aged children with them to class if their babysitter flaked out on them.
Perhaps he worked in the daytime and could not make the other classes.
Only one section of that organic and biochemistry course was offered in the evenings, and that was only taught by me.
So why had I included his feedback in my blog?
Just to show it wasn't all sunshine and lollipops, that's why.
Plus, he had no bad news to report on my teaching; he just spoke of the class environment, from his perspective, and the lab manual, which had naught to do with me.

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