Sunday, July 4, 2021

it's just been two weeks, srsly

Before I took off to Florida and California, I mowed the yard.

Rather, I mowed all of the front and half the back... you know... business in the front, party in the back, mullet-style!

The front yard still looked pretty good, but the back was so overgrown that it looked as if it had not been touched.

I guess we had rain that last half of June.


It rained yesterday morn and the forecast calls for rain starting Tuesday, so I seized the day to get it done!

After an hour, I was about halfway through the task when the lawnmower sputtered to a halt.

The battery was already exhausted.

Maybe I should have set the blade on its highest setting, rather than the penultimate one.

Ah, well, the telly has programs with fireworks to celebrate Independence Day...

good timing!

I'll finish the back yard tomorrow -

time for dinner!


1 comment:

faustina said...

Well, jsyk, the back DID get finished on Monday, as well as the cutting of some shrubbery.
You know, those little scrub oaks and such, including a mimosa too near the house, planted by absent-minded squirrels.
Yesterday, me and my trusty Ryobi tackled the front yard and finished it off, even though the temperature was fierce.
I had to take three breaks to seek coolness in the house.
Actually, the fan in the bedroom works great for that.
The cooling towel, too, when I remembered it, was a boon...
but it was still fiercely hot out there, even with shade over much of the lawn.
Yes, it very much is a lawn, thanks to the contribution of grass seed, from my neighbor's great-looking sod, and Mother Nature's minions.