Friday, July 30, 2021

looking back at ncw 2019

What a surprise to find I had not posted the survey comments from those who attended the NCW event there in Morrell Park!
Since I've been posting comments the past few days from my former students, I thought I'd look back... and no comments! 
I distinctly recall sending those comments, via email, to Patricia Galvan of ACS.
That meant I must have scanned them... and I did!
That file, all 12 megabytes of it, was still on my computer, too.
So, no time like the present to post those responses, correct?
The time and effort I volunteered for seven months on that National Chemistry Week event for the public, and the time and effort the other volunteers spent on that Sunday afternoon on River Street, deserves some words of cheer!
Let's rectify that now, shall we?
(That's a favorite phrase used in my lectures!)
From a man over the age of 18 (the highest age category on the survey): "Interesting experiments showcasing very simple but cool reactions."
From a woman over the age of 18: "Awesome. We enjoyed so much!" 

From a man, age given as 28: "Awesome!"
From a woman, age given as 42: "Awesome! Loved the outdoor setting & enthusiasm!"

From a girl, age 16 - 18: "Interesting."

From a girl, age given as 7: "Awesome!"

From a woman, older than 18: "Awesome."

From a man, older than 18: "Awesome."

From a woman, older than 18: "Awesome!"

From a boy, age 10 - 12: "Awesome!"

From a man and woman, both older than 18: "Awesome! Can you include explosions next year?"

From a woman, older than 18: "Interesting."

From a woman, older than 18: "Thought chemistry was okay, but this was interesting."

From a boy, 6 years old or younger: "Awesome!"

From a woman, older than 18: "Interesting."

From a man, older than 18: "Thought chemistry was okay, but this was awesome."

From a woman, older than 18: "For chemistry subject, this was interesting."
From a woman, older than 18: "I love chemistry! This was awesome!"

From a woman, older than 18: "Better than okay, made me interested in chemistry."

From a woman older than 18: "Awesome. I enjoyed getting ideas for our outreach events. Thanks!"

From a woman, older than 18: "Explain more! But good job."
From a man, older than 18: "This was interesting."
From a girl, age 10 - 12: "Chemistry is awesome! This was awesome!"
From a boy, age 16 - 18: "Awesome demonstration of an interesting subject."
From a girl, age 13-15: "Nice! Instead of okay, chemistry is awesome!"
From a woman, older than 18: "Interesting. My kids loved this."
From a girl, age 10 - 12: "Awesome! This was fun!"
From a boy, age given as 9: "Chemistry is better than okay, it's awesome!"
From a man, older than 18: "Interesting chemistry."
From a man, older than 18: "Interesting."
From a boy, age 10 - 12: "Awesome."
From a woman, older than 18: "Very informational, great job!"
From a woman, older than 18: "What a cute event. Great job!"
From a man, age given as 55: "Nice!"
From a girl, age given as 5: "I love chemistry!"
From a woman, older than 18: "Interesting."
From a boy, 6 years old or younger: "Awesome."
From a man, older than 18: "More interesting than I expected."
That's a pretty good survey response set, considering the small number of attendees.
I feel fortunate that those who attended enjoyed the event and found out that chemistry is much more than just facts and numbers, but is interesting, too.
Almost all said they were going to talk about the demonstrations when they got home, and we made sure they had plenty to share in their souvenir goody bag!
Yep, all in all, a most favorable sharing of chemistry!

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