Monday, July 26, 2021

more love from former students

Yesterday, all the remarks had been from CHE 201 students in 1994.
Those were not my only students of that year, or of subsequent years, up to the Spring 2001 term (which was a semester, not a quarter, as Armstrong had shifted from the 10-week schedule to the 15-week one, as well as shifting from College to University status for the Fall of 1998).
Mama had died on January 2, 2001, and I had carried out my promise to teach that last term, but it was one of the longest fifteen weeks ever for me.
That's why I took a sabbatical, or hiatus, or whatever one chooses to call it, for the next two years, even though I had been on the schedule for the Fall of 2001.
I just couldn't do it.
I was in deep mourning and needed the break.
I cannot imagine how I would have dealt with the events of September 11, 2001, had I been involved in teaching that term.
So... as I was saying, CHE 201 was not the only course I taught.
In the Fall of 1994, I began teaching CHE 121 and CHE 122.
Those were the expanded versions of the information contained in the one-term CHE 201.
CHE 121 was all about general chemisty, on an introductory level, and had a lab for hands-on experience; CHE 122 also had a lab portion and contained more in-depth information about organic chemistry and biochemistry.
Those became known as CHE 1151 and CHE 1152 with the change to semesters.
As I was looking at those particular student feedback reports, I noticed something: student names were being repeated from one course to another.
In every case, these were students who had me for the first course of the two-part field of study, then made sure to have me for the second course, too!
How very wonderful!
They enjoyed having me a second time for the CHE 122 (CHE 1152) as much as I enjoyed seeing them again in my classroom!
Now, then, not all of the feedback reports fell into this pattern, but enough did that I've pulled them out and paired them up, so I can relive those moments.
Here goes!
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CHE 121, Fall quarter, 1994, followed by CHE 122, Spring quarter, 1995:
There were six students that wrote feedback for both terms!
For the Fall, Theresa Hiers wrote: "To whom it may concern: Dr. Smith has helped me become more enthusiastic about chemistry. I find it to be a very hard subject for me, but she made it fun to learn & to study. She's made coming back to college less scary; she's made learning fun. There's hope for me! Thank you!
She also made this cute card for me following the Spring quarter!
Inside, she wrote: "Thank you for all your help and encouragement. 
You have taught me a lot, even though my tests don't show it. 
Chemistry IS fun
With appreciation, 
Theresa Hiers"

For the Fall, Brenda Mercer wrote: "Mrs. Smith is a great teacher. She gives very clear & specific notes & does not mind when people ask questions. She makes the course very interesting. I enjoyed coming to this class. I think she's one of the best teachers I have had here at Armstrong."
Spring quarter, she wrote: "Prof. Smith is one of the best teachers I have had at this college. She is patient with her students & encourages them. She is the only teacher I have had that makes me want to come to class. She is excited for her students & calls them when they do well on a test. She is a very personable teacher and I recommend her to anyone who needs to take chemistry. I only wish she taught more than just chemistry because I would like to take her again."
Plus, the Fall of 1995, she had dropped by my office and left me this: "Mrs. Smith, just a quick note to say hi! I'm doing well and hope you're the same. Talk to ya later!"
How very kind of her!

For the Fall, Nickie Stevens wrote: "I was very apprehensive about chemistry, but Ms. Smith is an excellent instructor who made chemistry much more understandable to me. She kept the class lively with conversation over the text we were studying. I am going to recommend her to anyone who has to take CHE 121."
Spring quarter, she wrote: "I feel that Dr. Smith is most helpful in presenting the material in a manner that is very understandable. I think that she's an excellent instructor. I appreciate having her as a teacher."

For the Fall, Julie Hagan wrote: "I loved the professor and the class was interesting. She did good teaching and was always willing to help me. She covered the material well and was very enthusiastic!"
Spring quarter, she wrote: "Prof. Smith is a very good instructor. I had her for 121 & 122 and I learned a lot. The material was difficult but she explained it clearly!"

For the Fall, Andrea Messer wrote: "Dr. Smith did a wonderful job explaining the material. The homework assignments were very useful when studying for the tests. She encourages the students to think as well as encourages interest in the course. She was very understanding when the flood hit Savannah and I was unable to make it to class because the roads were not passable from the Islands. She is a wonderful instructor!"
Spring quarter, she wrote: "Dr. Smith is very knowledgeable about her subject. She is an excellent teacher who is very interested in the achievements of her students. I have had her for 2 quarters. She has been the best teacher I have had at ASC."

For the Fall, Jill Girard wrote: "Dr. Smith is a great teacher! I would recommend this class to anyone. I have a kind of 'fear' of math and science, but Dr. Smith makes these areas clear and accessible even to ME."
Spring quarter, she wrote: "Dr. Smith is a credit to the Chemistry Department. Whatever you are paying her, it isn't enough! Her lectures were presented clearly and informally, which made the material more accessible by her less-adept students (such as myself). I have thoroughly enjoyed her instruction, and I recommend her class to anyone who needs a science."

I don't recall if these six students were study partners, or sat near each other, or simply individually decided to all write feedback for both quarters.
Whatever the rationale, now that I am retired, I am so grateful for their encouraging words from long ago.
How wonderful to have opened their minds to chemistry!

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