Monday, June 14, 2021

tcb, as elvis would say

Before I travel on Wednesday to Flo-ri-da, I needed to take care of things not only around the house, but also with my dear ride.
I had known ever since October that new windshield wiper blades were needed.
Knowing I had done the work myself in years past, I had declined at the time to have Firestone do it.
That meant the rubber had now met the glass so often that rainy day driving was now a hazard.
That would never do.
So after getting stood up at the matinee of "Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway", I forced myself to go to AutoZone and did the switch of windshield wiper hardware right there in the parking lot.
Hooray for me!
The car got 2 quarts of "the good stuff", too.
Then I met Carolyn, for real this time, to see "The House Next Door: Meet The Blacks 2", to round out my trio.
I had loved "Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard" so much that I watched it two nights in a row!
That's borne out in this photo of my A*List films.
Part of the attraction, besides that Ryan Reynolds guy, was all the scenes set in Florence and Rome and Positano and the Isle of Capri - all places I have been to, and gladly would return for, on my two trips to Italy.
How nice to revisit them on the silver screen!
The third, and final for the week, was this very funny, Don Knotts-esque, vampire movie.
But, wait!
Didn't I say I'd gone to an AMC movie earlier today?
Shouldn't that have been my third free one? 
Well, yes, and yes it would have been...
had I not made a reservation for the evening movie tonight.
That made sure I didn't have to pay the night-time surcharge for a ticket.
And, yes, that means I did pay paid to see the bunny movie, but t was a matinee...
and I'm a senior..
making it just over 5 bucks to view.
Might as well have been a Tina Tuesday instead of Monday!

1 comment:

faustina said...

So what errands did I have the next day and a half?
Washing clothes - done!
Scheduling the "Hold Mail" - done!
Sending the email to request the police report for my fraud case - done!
Made plans via Devon Ashton to attend Bananas game with Mister Willie on July 14 - done!
Pulled the fuse on the attic fan, as it was running (due to 90F + temp outside) - done!
Mowed the front yard and about half the back yard before the rain came - done!
Updated Nuvi with new maps for the drive - done!
Emailed Cali flight info to Smitty, Paul, and Cathy - done!
Packed, remembering a bathing suit - done!
Busy, vibrant, woman - yeah, that's me!