Tuesday, June 29, 2021

back to savannah i fly

Such a long day it has been!
That's to be expected, though when it begins at 3:45 in the morning... Pacific Time.
So, I was up at 12:45 AM to get ready to travel to the airport.
Paul was up then, too, thankfully agreeing to start his day almost two hours early.
We left the house at 0415 PT, arriving at the Oakland airport about 30 minutes later.
That was good, very good.
The queue at the security station was already curled around and continuing down the hall.
When my turn finally came, I was patted down thoroughly, just as I had been at the Savannah airport when I started this vacation travel.
Odd, right?
Determined not to have caffeine, I walked around, lugging my carry-on behind me, staying mobile to stay awake until time to sleep on the flight.
That worked quite well.
It was a very full flight, as Southwest had canceled a group of flights eastward over the weekend, leaving this one to fill up.
Lucky for me I had Business Select, so I was able to have a seat up front!
That was actually supremely fortunate, as I found out later.
I chose an aisle seat, on the second row, instead of sitting on the first row again.
I slept most of the three-hour, thirty-minute flight, leaving me refreshed upon arrival...
and ready for the sprint to my outgoing flight home, which was boarding by the time I had used the bathroom!
No time for breakfast in Dallas!
Good thing I'd spotted those trail mix snacks, with 10 grams of protein in them, when I was at Sonoma Harvest with Paul and Cathy.
The package of Moon Cheese bought for the flight west was almost empty.
That's what I need for breakfast!
So, on the second leg of my journey today, my caffeine consisted of a half-cup of Diet Coke and whatever was in the chocolate of the M&Ms in the trail mix.
This flight was very full, too, but I snagged the aisle seat on the second row again.
That meant I served as bouncer for the pre-teen girl traveling solo in the window seat.
I liked that role!
It's about to end, though.
When the plane lands, Carolyn is picking me up and we'll be off to the movies -
after all, it's Tuesday and that means 5-buck films at the Pooler cinemas!
I wonder what we'll see?

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