Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Duck! It's Bird!

"As in, watch out for that feathered, flying beast?"

No, silly, that's a line from the episode of "Psych" I watched with today's brunch!

"Hey, you didn't start with that, so..."

Well, didn't you at least notice that "Bird" was capitalized??

"Sure, but every word in that blog title was, so I thought it was just part of the vibe."

Oh, I didn't think about it that way... but you're correct.

"And so your real rationale for writing it as if it were a name? Like Larry Bird?"

That's because it was a name! Actually, I'm sure it was a nickname, not a christened one. I mean, I just can't see his Mama calling him that. Though, I called Big Red "Little Bird" when we flew to Okinawa...

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard that one. What's up with this Bird guy?"

He was a bounty hunter! Kevin Sorbo played him, and this was certainly one of the most active shows I've seen on "Psych". Shawn and Gus even took a dive off a yacht!!! Usually, the most active they are is jumping into Gus' Echo.

"Hahahaha! That sounds like it must be a joke!"

 No, that's the type of car he has. Looks like it probably gets good gas mileage. My car has been doing well with that, too! For the past two months, I've gotten 35.11 miles per gallon and 33.11 mpg. Yep, my little 20-year-old car does quite nicely!

"Hey, very nice!"


"Whoa, whoa, what's going on here??? Are they actually k-i-s-s-i-n-g???"

No, though it certainly looks like they're both interested in that very thing: eyes closed, noses brushing cheeks, breath warming lips. However, as Shawn told Juliette, they're "not doing anything but close talking". Not anything else, just "close talking".

"Who on Earth does he think he's fooling?"

Well, there's a few things going on here, but it's important to understand that Shawn really is a gentleman and would never take advantage of a woman having a bad day, no matter how much he has loved her ever since he first saw her.

"And she'd had a bad day?"

She had. She was escorting an alleged killer ("Tin can") to the police station when he took advantage of a momentary lapse on her part to headbutt her, knocking her to the ground and allowing him to escape. She had fellow officers acting like the guy had been able to do that because she was a woman and weak. People pretty much kept that up, causing her to doubt herself and her career choice. Well, at least they did until the bounty hunter had the same thing happen to him when he tried to nab "Tin can" in a diner! Hahaha!

"So, this scene was toward the end of the show, during the denouement?"

Exactly. And Shawn was feeling pretty macho, as he'd gotten hold of a vest that allowed him to pretend to himself that he was a mighty, mighty bounty hunter, like Bird, who he had idolized since he was a kid.

"So that hit of bravado enabled him to even dare approach her so closely?"

Exactly, though he knew how fragile her psyche was and didn't want to push her into something she didn't want to do.

"Hence, the "close talking" that went on for at least a full minute..."

... and ended with his lips closed on the upper portion of her top lip for maybe a count of three. Not long enough to be regarded as an encroachment, but certainly for enough time to let her know his interest in her.


I know, right? And this was only the middle of the second season! I had not remembered that almost-kiss at all.

"Well, that was a nice way to start the day! What's next on your agenda?"

I need to go to the post office and mail my payment to Diamond for the 2022 maintenance fees. Fortunately, Sears is granting me a 0% rate until May 2023 - yes, that date is for real! The stipulation was the check had to be mailed to the recipient, not used online. Heck, I don't care! I'd rather pay all my bills with checks in the mail!

"That's because you're 'old school'!"

Yes, I am, and proud of it! I'm also going to CVS, as they've given me 40% off any one item... and I'm getting new house slippers! That little mouse ate part of the heel on my left slipper, so time to throw those out. 

"Goodness, you have a mouse in your house?"

Actually, I'm pretty sure I've blocked off its access. Monday, I heard the sound of one of the kitchen cabinets being pushed open and closing again, pushed open and closing again, like something was trying to make sure the coast was clear. I barked, loudly, and ran in there. When I checked what was once my liquor cabinet, it looked suspicious, so I closed the door and blocked it with the trash can. I've pushed the coffee cart up against it, for good measure. And ever since, I haven't seen any flashes of fast-moving mouse, nor have I heard any more noises coming from the kitchen. Hooray!


Gotta go! Later, chica!

1 comment:

faustina said...

FYI: My search for slippers was a success! Plus, because CVS gave me 40% off, they only cost SIX DOLLARS!!!
My last pair of slippers were bought when Sears closed its store at Oglethorpe Mall and left town.
I think that was in 2017, but maybe it was 2018.
Good to have new house slippers for Christmas!