Monday, November 22, 2021

this message just in from toonland!

I was awakened at 6:56 AM with a message to GET UP, NOW.
So I did.
Too early for coffee, for sure.
What was I to do, then?
Watch "Toon In With ME" on ME tv, apparently.
Okay, that's what I would do.
Tom & Jerry were up first with "Snowbody Loves Me", trying to keep warm and being buddy-buddy for a change.
Next was Daffy, being mean to Pepe Gonzalez and his dos amigos in the desert, denying them any water and being a "Well-Worn Duck".
"Pinkcome Tax" had my dear Pink Panther acting as Robin Hood and trying to free someone from jail.
"Trick Or Tweet" found Sylvester first going after Tweety Bird, per usual, but then trying to protect him from a conniving alley cat.
Okay... what does all of that mean?
Well, apparently, it was all about trying to help others through difficult times.
Meanwhile, between cartoons from my distant past, folks were coming up to the show's host, Bill, seeking his advice on their problems.
Bill was pretty distracted, though, as he'd lost his cue cards for the scheduled cartoons, so he was having to come up with opening remarks on the fly... 
- how distracted was he? - 
distracted enough that he was completely unaware that the others were taking his comments about the upcoming cartoon as the answers to their requests.
Consequently, all these folks took his "advice" and all ended up with bigger problems than they'd started with... 
and all blamed him for ruining their lives...
and that's when I "got it".
I had woken with thoughts of littlest girl running off at Olive Garden yesterday and what bad consequences there could have been and the advice I'd given about leashing the two girls together to prevent such future occurrences.
I know that won't be done, though.
The belief is strong that littlest girl will behave and will listen and all will be fine...
but that belief only works as long as the meds are in charge.
Once the meds start wearing off, littlest girl no longer is capable of controlling her actions.
It isn't that she chooses to misbehave; she simply has no ability to do so.
I have no experience with children who have her chemical imbalance, nor have I had any education to give me a better understanding.
That means it's best if I listen and serve as a sounding board, but not speak, and certainly not give advice.
Okay, message heard.
Right place, right time.
Back to bed I go...

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