Thursday, November 11, 2021

best Veterans Day - and warm!

This photograph sums up the reason for it being such a success quite nicely, too!

Yes, that's my first niece, flanked on her right by Littlest Girl and on her left by Miss Chlo!

And just where might we be on this glorious day?

At a place which is rapidly becoming our 'usual': Jalapenos of Richmond Hill.

Oh, yes, we are making sure the girls know to love Mexican food as we do!

And, look!

We're outside on the patio!

And Christina is wearing a lightweight, sleeveless dress!

The girls are clad in lightweight clothing as well, with Chloe in shorts!

That's because, for the the first time in over a week, the day 'twas brillig to the max!

It actually almost reached 80 F - i thank You, God!

I so needed a break from the cold, as did they, and Christina had taken them over to the park to burn off some energy before I got there.

Not that it mattered!

They ate chips and queso and then ran and danced outside, leaving us to entertain ourselves with face-to-face conversation, as we are wont to do - i thank You, God!

On Saturday, we'll all be reunited again, for the wedding of their Aunt Chelsea to her Dillon, and that's going to be quite a busy day...

so, it was extra-special to have this lull in the action today, for just us.

Almost three hours, too.

And lots and lots of hugs.

i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Barbara was the first to wish me a happy day, as she is every Veterans Day - thanks, Boo!
Rhonda was the next to do so, as I was enroute to our luncheon, so I thanked her with a photo of my lunch dates!
Then, Jeff texted - for the second time in as many days - wishing me a happy day - sweet!
He got the photo sent to him, too!
Plus, he told me he and Amy will be in Savannah on Christmas Day and invited me to come see them, before they head off to St. Augustine.
Very nice!
And Andy and Sheryl will be visiting them for Christmas Day, too.
A bright spot up ahead!