Thursday, November 18, 2021

a kevin by any other name...

About a month ago, Carolyn texted that she had seen him.
She had gone to see "Dune" in the BigD on the night of Chelsea's wedding, and he had apparently sat down right behind her.
She didn't mention speaking to him, or him talking with her, just that she'd already been seated and he came in and sat behind her.
I wonder if he recognized her and thought I might be joining her.
Perhaps he was hoping to speak to me?
Pure conjecture on my part.
Here's how the chat went.
her: "Did you enjoy the Tom Petty? I found it very interesting and enjoyable. Ran into your me friend (I forgot his name) that you used to go to movies with sometimes and out to eat. I beverages he teaches. He has really out a lot of weight. He was sitting behind me at Dune."
her: "I believe he is a teacher... not I beverage. This is NOT a smartphone. It's a smart sss phone."
me: Are you talking about Kevin? He is not a teacher, but a child psychologist at Hunter.
her: "Good looking, tall, blond hair."
me: That's okay, i speak wonky phone.
me: That's got to be him. I'm sorry to hear he's put on a lot of weight. He worked really hard to lose that.
her: "No, I meant he has lost a lot of weight. Stupid phone."
me: Oh, good to hear! I know he had lost a lot the last time I saw him.
me: I have not seen or spoken to him in almost a year. He got mad at me about the election and blocked me. Just craziness. Glad to know he is well.

And I meant that, too: I was glad to know he was well.
Then, last night, I dreamed I saw him.
I hope that means he's missed me.
I know that when I saw him on fb, it was a welcome surprise.
It wasn't that I had gone looking or him, mind.
I didn't have to do that; facebook launched his image as part of their "people you may know" feature.
Yes, just like in the movie from this summer.
I recognized him at once, of course.
After all, he may be using his middle name as a surname, but he's still using the photograph I took of him after his first full marathon.
Hard to believe that was five years ago this month.
I wonder if he raced this year?
I wonder if his mom's cancer was controlled in time?
I wonder if his sister's divorce went okay and what that means for his first niece?
I wonder if he still has the same girlfriend?
I wonder if he is aware that fb has put him in my feed?
I wonder if I should try to friend him on fb?
I wonder if we could be real friends again?
I wonder.
'Tis the season... maybe I will reach out first with a card.
You know, something to hold in his hands and know I care.

1 comment:

faustina said...

I did send him a Christmas card.
No replay as of yet, and perhaps never will be, but I did put forth the effort.
Facebook is insistent that he may be "People That You Know", with his photo showing up in my listings tonight.
Phil Hartmann would get a kick out of those shenanigans.