Sunday, February 9, 2020

misunderstood, that's all

Last night, after an oddly strange Saturday with my bfrb and a BigD bad-ass "Birds of Prey", followed by my new abs-too program at PF, I found myself up until 4 AM.
So, on this chilly Sunday, I stayed home for a favorite activity - the latest Jonesin' puzzle.
This clue got my attention.
"Show-offy way to solve crosswords."
Umm, yeah, I use an ink pen
when I do any kind of puzzle, and have for many years.
But that isn't due to brain vanity.
I use an ink pen because the vibration of the graphite in a pencil aggravates the nerves in my hands, causing numbness and pain.
Those vibrations caused by the pressure of the transfer of marks to paper are dampened out by the fluidity of ink in other writing implements.
People are, apparently, misunderstanding the use of ink.

People have also misunderstood why I had little ones living with me.
I had sent a rare newsletter with my Christmas cards this year to those distant.
Here's what I had written.

"December 2019
This Christmas promises to be quite different from those past.
For the first time since I was a child, I am living with children.
My nephew Michael, son of my brother Ronnie, moved in last month, along with his five-year-old daughters, my great-nieces Alyssa and Leila. The short story is that the girls' mother will be out of the picture until they are grown.
We were all ill for most of November, but have been well since Thanksgiving, and are adjusting to each other's rhythms. They go to the sitter during the day when he is at work, just as they always have. I still have my life as a busy, vibrant woman.
We're all blessed to have this time together.
Wishing life's blessings for you!

I had thought I was clear to folks that I was not going to be raising these children, nor would I become a live-in babysitter.
Yes, we would all be sharing some good times together, but I was not in charge of the girls, their dad was.
My Aunt Linda, who has always been a bit distant to me, sent a card proclaiming me to be "simply a saint!"
My Aunt Barbara, only in my life for the last decade, wrote in her card that "We are all blessed when wee do the right thing and I feel you are doing that now!"
The little girls next-door, with the stay-home mom, didn't understand at all why the twins went to a sitter all day.
Then, last month, my dear Melanie contacted me... after over a year of silence.
I was so glad I had sent the recent holiday card to her!
And why had she sent the email?
To impress upon me that I was "the female 'somebody'... their maternal role model".
Well, at least she had the first part right.
However, my intention was never to become a "mom" substitute to Leila and Alyssa...
just to continue to be the loving great-aunt I have always been.
That is exactly what I have done, too, and will continue to do.
Why would that ever change?
I am still me.

Fortunately, some folks "get" me.
Somehow, during the gift-giving whirl last Christmas, a present to me from my great-nephew Kobe was misplaced.
About a week ago, I met up with Smitty and opened it right in front of him - and was so delighted!
"They really understand me!"
That would be Smitty's son and his family: Zach, Linh (who painted the piece), and Kobe.
I'm so glad Smitty was there to see how happy I was...
so he can pass that on to his son.
i thank You, God.

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