Wednesday, February 19, 2020

assessing the change from ww

Today marked two years since I began this latest Weight Watchers journey.
Two years - hard to believe, isn't it?
How about some documentation to mark my efforts?
Well, consider the above photo of my weigh-in history.
A picture is worth a thousand words, that is true...
but I prefer the value of graphs when numbers are involved.
This photo combines both nicely.
Clearly, I have had a downward, though not linear, trend in my personal mass.
The leftmost data point, obtained on February 21, 2018, is clearly the maximum.
A year later, the data point of February 20, 2019, is 21.8 pounds less.
Scientifically, that represents 9.90 kilograms of mass.
The rightmost date point, determined by the scale today, is clearly the minimum.
It represents a value which is 38.2 pounds less than the original.
That means I am 16.4 pounds less than at this time last year.
Those values, for scientists, are 17.34 kg and 7.45 kg, respectively.
The loss can also be represented as six 5-lb sacks of sugar and one 3-lb sack.
Such a sweet way to think of it!
(Hey, I had to throw a pun in there to lighten the tone!)
So, the good news is: I am continuing to lose weight.
The even better news is: I've done so with very little physical effort on my part.
The best news is: I've been able to continue eating the foods I love.
That all sounds like plus, plus, and plus, right?
It's been an average loss of almost 0.4 pounds per week, which is a healthy rate...
though it seems amazingly slow...
and has cost me close to $1000 for those two years' membership.
Now, I've joined Planet Fitness.
The locker room has a scale, so I could monitor my own weight progress...
but, do I want to do that?
My first niece has started at WW now, so I have her to talk to about the program.
I can even exchange my Wellness Wins using her app!
That will be good for my satisfaction with the program.
So, do I need to stay?
No, I really don't.
But do I want to?
I think so, as long as she is going to be in Weight Watchers.
She has always been so close to me and looked to me for guidance.
I've allowed my weight to reach ludicrous masses... and so has she.
The least I can do is show her that loss is possible for me...
and for her, too.

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