Sunday, March 21, 2021

just another 90-minute sales pitch

"From someone trying to sell you more points at Diamond Resorts?"
Surprisingly, no.
This one came from my minister and the church council.
"The church is in need of fundraising again?
What is it this time, the roof or the heat? "

Neither of those, nor anything else at Asbury Memorial Church.
No, it was about something else entirely.
"Okay, spill the beans."
Well, it all came to light last Sunday evening.
We'd been told there was another congregation wanting to do as we'd done and leave the United Methodist Church worldwide organization.
They had taken a vote and agreed on that course of action, but there was a snag.
So they had contacted Reverend Billy Hester for help.
"Yeah, with their hand out, I take it?"
They didn't have the money to buy their way out, should the UMC allow them to leave, as it had us two years ago.
I suggested that the congregation - which consisted of thirty people - simply give up their membership at the small Thunderbolt church and join AMC.
No, that was not agreeable to them.
"I see."
Hence, the sales pitch devised by our church council and headed by our minister.
A 90-minute spiel, with charts and photos, to try to convince us that it was in our best interest to pay their departure costs and buy their property back from the UMC for the folks at Wesley Oak UMC - again, should their franchise even be allowed to leave by the mother ship.
That part won't be known until late summer, after the UMC General Convention.
"So, everything is in a stage of 'what-if' at this juncture?"
Most definitely.
"And how much are they asking AMC members to pony up on their behalf?"
Well, actually, I had not finished speaking of the fiscals for this transaction.
Oh, no.
Not only do they want us to purchase their property from the UMC, but they also want us to have some major repairs done on it as well as some other fees.
All told, it's about $300,000.
"What in the world...?
Seriously, why don't those 30 people over there jump ship and join y'all? "
Well, they have a community gardening project for the members and neighbors and are active with the Forsyth Farmers Market.
Those 30 people don't want to stop doing that.
And they have their own minister and she will continue serving them and preaching on Sunday mornings to them, even though we will be footing her salary.
Those 30 people don't want to lose her, of course.
Plus, since they have so few active members, they are behind on paying the pension she would one day receive from retirement, so that needs to be funded and brought into the black, instead of the red, as does the insurance for the property.
Oh, they are also behind on paying their apportionment - essentially their franchise fee - to the worldwide UMC and have two years' worth to bring current. 
As for those repairs (two roofs, three HVAC units, and "a smattering" of smaller repairs) to the church and cottage, that would add another $110,000, minimum.
"I can't believe this is under serious consideration."
Nor can I.
All told, we would be out of pocket a minimum of $260,000. 
That's if the UMC agrees to allow Wesley Oak to escape its grasp.
"And Asbury Memorial is solvent enough to take on such an endeavor?"
I think not, nor did several present at last week's sales pitch.  
Right now, the church's account has around $600,000 in it.
Part of the reason it has that much cash is that we are currently missing two key leaders in the youth programs.
One died a year or so ago (she dealt with the teens who are now called Angells to honor her); the other resigned her position due to needs of her young family.
Not having Vacation Bible School and several youth functions has contributed to the church's substantial surplus of funds, rather than the deficit we've had. 
"So, now it looks like those funds are burning a hole in the church's pocket?"
Yeah, I think that's it.
What's that saying about being more careful when poor than when rich?
I know that Billy is concerned about the current smaller size of the congregation compared to the grand scale that had built up after Janice Gannt's death, especially now that he is wanting to retire and take some time for him and Cheri, now that the kids are all grown.
He is no doubt worried that AMC will shrink down to the 25 members it had wehn he first crossed its threshold a quarter-century ago.
However, my concern is that this financial obligation that he wants us to take on will drive away more members than will be gained.
"What about you?
Will you leave if the vote is positive for the merger? "
I don't know.
That word, merger, has such a nasty taste in my mouth.
I've already lost my alma mater because of that word.
I'd hate to lose my church home as well.
However, like I said, we're all just playing a game of 'what-if' at this point.
"So, what happens now?"
We're to vote on the merger after service today.
It's going to be done by ZOOM, with one vote per electronic device, to help those folks who have multiple members in one household.
I'm not sure how things are to be handled for those without such devices, like Miss Virginia, who doesn't have a computer or tablet or any of that stuff.
"Not your monkeys, not your circus, ya know.
I am sure that someone on the church council has handled that. "

True that.
Okay, I'm going to get my second cup of coffee and go to church.
I sure am going to miss that Zoom coffee hour we usually have. 


faustina said...

Well, here's the update on that vote.
It didn't happen on the 21st, as had been planned.
The Zoom service would only accommodate 100 people.
So, they tried to have everyone go to Cheri's Zoom, which could handle 150, but that was a major fail, too, as not everyone got the short-notice word to do so.
As I told Billy afterward, "I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit can interact with the ether of the internet."
He sent an email and thanked me for that!
So, the vote was postponed another week, to 28 March, while AMC bought the Zoom package that would allow up to 500 - I think - to attend.
Yesterday, after the service and promptly at noon30, we all convened on Zoom, all 184 of us (though only 164 were participating at any given time, which was odd, right?).
The vote was 137 for the merger, with 47 against it.
That's just over 25% voting against taking on Wesley Oak UMC's debt and against spending our own church's hard-earned funds.
If we lose 47 members in order to gain 30, is it worth it?
Then again, this is still a game of 'what if'...

faustina said...

I'm not sure what projects have been accomplished at Wesley Oak, but I know this: Asbury Memorial is currently $200,000 behind in the 2022 budget.

Amazingly, that's almost the same amount that Asbury Memorial ponied up to buy Wesley Oak's freedom from the UMC World Church.

Billy is talking about the financial hole that Asbury Memorial is in now, but he has not drawn the correlation to that purchase.

Here's the thing: I know, I just KNOW, I am not the only one thinking that there is a correlation.
However, I know that Billy is not in a position to bring it up without many in the congregation leaving.
What a sticky situation.

Maybe it would have been better to have not hosted "The Christians", which had record box offices for every performance.
I know many of those who attended are members of Asbury Memorial.

Perhaps it's time for the congregation to have a meeting and speak honestly about the financial situation.

faustina said...

Financial update:
There have been several deaths since my last post.
As happens on such occasions, donations were made to the church in honor of those departed.
As a result, and thanks to extra income from visitors during the GOB series, the church coffers have gained almost $125,000.
That's very good.
It looks like we're headed back toward financial solvency.
I hope that will continue now that God On Broadway is over.